Expert Legal Services for Birth Injury, Mistreatment and Consent violations in Childbirth, and Advocacy for Midwives and Doulas

advocacy for Families
We provide counsel, representation, and advocacy to birthing people and families who have experienced injury, trauma, discriminatory treatment, and the violation of informed consent during pregnancy, childbirth, or the postpartum period.
Advocacy for Midwives
We offer expert legal support and advocacy to community-based midwives in civil litigation, proceedings before state agencies, and negotiations to resolve disputes with clients and hospitals. We also offer counsel and document review to proactively minimize your risks.
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Hermine is an international thought leader whose public speaking informs and inspires audiences on a wide range of issues at the intersection of law, human rights, and maternal healthcare, including:
informed consent
the integration of medicine and midwifery
women’s human rights in maternity care locally and globally.
Hermine gives keynote speeches, presents at plenary sessions, and participates in panels at global and US conferences.
Among the many organizations she has addressed are: