Covid-19 exposes the need for midwives
The coronavirus pandemic is reminding us that birth doesn’t require hospitals or doctors.
Human Rights beyond Survival By Hermine Hayes-Klein
Human beings, like all mammals, need to feel safe in order to give birth. Childbirth as a physiological process is powered by hormones, and those hormones are strongly affected by the birthing women’s emotions, which are in turn affected by her perception of whether she is giving birth in a safe environment. In order to feel safe during labor, a birthing woman needs to know that she is supported—by her family, by her community, and by her healthcare system.
Ethics of the delivery room: Who's in control when you're giving birth?
You might expect your doctor to recommend what they think is best during childbirth, but it’s not uncommon to feel pressured into having a procedure that you don’t Want.
Pathways Contributor
Mother and human-rights lawyer Hermine Hayes-Klein is the director of Human Rights in Childbirth, a consumer-generated, grassroots organization dedicated to making human rights in childbirth a meaningful reality for women all over the world. Hayes-Klein has been a law professor at The Hague and director of the Bynkershoek Research Center for Reproductive Rights (RCRR) at the Bynkershoek Institute in The Hague. She organized the first world-wide Human Rights in Childbirth Conference, which took place in 2012 and was attended by more than 300 experts in law, medicine, midwifery, childbirth, anthropology, ethicists, philosophers, policy–and parents.
Interview with Hermine Hayes-Klein.
Hermine Hayes-Klein, lawyer and the director of the Bynkershoek Research Center for Reproductive Rights in The Hague, may not be a familiar name in New Zealand for many, but she should be. Her work as a human rights lawyer has helped define some of the discussions we have around birth and freedom for birth worldwide. She was the guiding light behind the 2012 Human rights in Childbirth conference that was held at the Hague as well as contributing to the Freedom for Birth documentary where she spoke about birth rights for women. She is also the founding program director the Human Rights in Childbirth movement.
An update on the Netherlands:
“This is the weakest point of current Dutch midwifery: the media can say, “50% of homebirths end up in the hospital!” And the public has the impression that this is because birth is so dangerous and unpredictable. But the studies show (Marianne Amelink-Verburg’s thesis is a priceless resource for all things Dutch midwifery) that, as the rates of referral have increased, the reasons for referral have shifted.”
Informed Consent in Childbirth: Making Rights into Reality
Across the United States and around the world, people are waking up to the fact that obstetric care could do better for women and babies. The ever-increasing imposition of expensive technological, pharmaceutical and surgical interventions in pregnancy and childbirth does not result in better outcomes. Life-saving technologies are great when they save lives. However, their use in cases when they are unnecessary is not only inefficient, but risky.
The Mothers on Respect (MOR) index: measuring quality, safety, and human rights in childbirth
Abuse of human rights in childbirth are documented in low, middle and high resource countries. A systematic review across 34 countries by the WHO Research Group on the Treatment of Women During Childbirth concluded that there is no consensus at a global level on how disrespectful maternity care is measured. In British Columbia, a community-led participatory action research team developed a survey tool that assesses women's experiences with maternity care, including disrespect and discrimination.
Informed Consent in Childbirth: Making rights into Reality
-by Hermine Hayes-Klein
The Mothers on Respect (MOR) index: measuring quality, safety, and human rights in childbirth
-by Hermine Hayes-Klein
Rights and Realities in U.S. Maternity Care
-by Hermine Hayes-Klein
Court TV
Hock Being Charged
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
An Interview with Hermine Hayes-Klein of Human Rights in Childbirth.
Interview Freedom For Birth
Woman's Human Right in Her Childbirth Environment Choice
Birthing Autonomy is the Struggle of Midwives for legal & patient rights with Hermine Hayes
Birthing Instinct #228 It's a Constitutional & Human Right! with Hermine Hayes-Klein
Midwives Under Attack
Hermine Hayes Klein - “How to Make Human Rights a Reality in Maternal Healthcare”
Know Your Right In Childbirth!
The Ethical Doula
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4